We understand the importance of privacy and open dialogue. That’s why we’ve introduced a secure, anonymous communication system just for you. Feel free to reach out, share your concerns, and ask questions without compromising your identity. Your reports are safe with us! Learn more about our Anonymous Whistleblower System below.
Frequently asked questions
A whistleblower is a one who blows the whistle in good faith and without malice, the Act protects and assures a whistleblower of protection against any form of victimisation or reprisals when they make a report to a LEAs.
To guarantee further assurance of protection to Whistleblowers, the Anti-Corruption Commission has developed an Online Anonymous Whistleblower System that allows people to blow the whistle online and remain anonymous. In this system, the whistleblower can use their gadget in the comfort of their home or office and make any report to the Anti-Corruption Commission on any suspected corrupt practices.
Disclosure or whistleblowing could relate to issues that are about to occur, likely to occur or have already occurred. The disclosures may be against anyone or any organisation as long as their conduct amounts to: -
⦁ A breach of any written law
⦁ A breach of the public trust
⦁ A miscarriage of justice
⦁ A substantial loss of public resources or wastage
⦁ A danger to public health and safety
The Whistleblower is further given an opportunity to interact and follow up on any progress related to their report through a secret tracking number automatically generated by the system. The following are the steps to follow when making an anonymous whistleblowing report: -
⦁ Open your browser
⦁ In the browser URL or address bar
⦁ Type “” without the double quotes and press the Enter key
⦁ The whistleblower reporting page will open ⦁ If any challenges Go to the ACC website and click on the Report Corruption button then select whistleblower, scroll down then click on the whistleblower button
The Public Interest Disclosure (Protection of Whistleblowers) Act No. 4 of 2010 provides for the protection of whsitleblowers in Zambia. The Act encourages people who observe or come across any acts adverse to the interest of the public or any unlawful acts or any acts contrary to applicable procedures to blow the whistle or report such acts by getting in touch with Law Enforcement Agencies (LEA) in order to preserve the public interest.