In a significant stride towards enhancing anti-corruption measures, the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) Deputy Director General, Mrs. Monica Chipanta Mwansa, addressed participants at the Corruption Risk Assessments (CRAs) training held this morning at Mika Convention Centre.

In her opening remarks, Mrs. Mwansa expressed gratitude to the European Union (Twinning Project) and the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA) for their technical and financial support, respectively, in facilitating the workshop.

Mrs. Mwansa acknowledged the positive participation from ACC regional managers and officers from various regions. “Your role in supervising the officers who conduct CRAs in your regional offices is crucial. This workshop will provide you with the knowledge to identify areas vulnerable to corruption within public and private institutions and develop strategies to mitigate these risks,” she said.

The Deputy Director General affirmed Zambia’s adherence to Article 9 of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC), which mandates the establishment of effective and efficient risk management and internal control systems to promote transparency and accountability in public finance management.

Furthermore, Mrs. Mwansa highlighted the legal foundation for conducting CRAs in Zambia, referencing the Anti-Corruption Act No. 3 of 2012, specifically section 6(1)(a)(i), which mandates these assessments. “This training workshop, therefore, will equip officers with the requisite skills in conducting CRAs in order to prevent corruption,” she said.

The workshop is aimed at enhancing the skills of ACC officers in conducting Corruption Risk Assessments, reinforcing the Commission’s mandate to uphold integrity and accountability within public and private institutions.

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